Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 28, 2014 Launguage fun

Hello Pamilya
So, we had Zone Interviews this week. They were really good. Sister Foukimoana and I really like to sing so we asked our Zone leaders if we could give the musical number for that meeting. Both of us forgot that our beloved Mission President's wife, Sister Martino, brings her iPad with her to meetings like that so she can take pictures of the missionaries and post them on facebook for all their parents to see how well they're, she recorded us and put it on the page...(what are you going to do mom when they get released in June?). I loved doing that. When it was my turn to talk to President
Martino, he commented on how beautiful our song was and that he hoped that we were using our talent. I love talking to him and his wife. I'm going to miss them when they get released here in a couple of months. 
So, we were able to see Anne this week. She's doing good and we're going to try again for her baptism on May 17. We had a really cool experience with her and Christine yesterday. Since they both had nothing to do after church, we were able to teach them. As we were teaching, I accidentally said something really funny and the next thing I knew, we were all laughing...just because I said something really weird in Tagalog. It's important for all missionaries to gain the respect and friendship of their investigators, not to mention that's what we genuinely want to do in the first place, and as we were walking them to the market (so Christine wouldn't be walking alone in the dark to get a trike), Sister Foukimoana and I started talking and laughing with them...mainly about some things that I've attempted to say in Tagalog, but it's ok, we all make mistakes and I'm getting better as I go along. 
I know that when we do all that we can, the Lord makes up the rest. It's still hard for me to speak and understand the language, but since I'm doing the best that I know how He is blessing me and the many lives around me. I love to see people "light up" when they hear the "pleasing word of God," whether it be some sort of sparkle that they have never shown before or if it is the rekindling of a fire that has remained dormant for a long time.
Mahal ko kayo
Sister Jones

Sister Jones and Sister Jepus

April 21, 2014 Baptism :)

Hello Pamilya!
So...baptism. Anne texted us on Tuesday and said that she no longer had permission to be baptized. She had her interview, parent permission/signiture, testimony, everything, and then a big fat NO from her mom....we're all a little sad (really sad) about that. Christine on the other hand was able to be baptized and confirmed this past weekend. The interesting baptism story this time was the building was locked when we got there. The font was full already, but then they locked the doors after they were done filling it and so we had to wait an awkward 15 minutes as our ward mission leader called the member with the keys and then waiting for him to show up...anyway. It was a good baptism, her grandfather and non-member cousin came,
and at the very end, we invited her grandpa to bear his testimony, it's there, he just needs to exercise his faith a little more and go to church again...
I love working with Sister Foukimoana! She is so happy all the time and since she looks and kind of acts like a Filipino, the people are fairly comfortable with us talking to them and sharing with them. (not my fault that I still stick out like a sore thumb and make people automatically think that I only speak English). We had a lot of lessons this week and a lot of referrals and a lot of new investigators, even though we had to stay home most of the day on Tuesday because she wasn't feeling good. She loves to work and she likes to have fun while she's working. There have been a couple of interesting things that have how the ditch that we usually cross to get to a certain investigator's home had water in it...there was a narrow muddy patch without any water that she felt we could we started going down...I slipped...and almost fell into everyone's kitchen and toilet water and garbage...thankfully, the only parts of me that were muddy were my hands and one of my knees...yeah, or how we were walking back to our apartment on Saturday and I was using my flashlight to help direct us, since it was dark, when a decent sized frog jumped right in front of her and she screamed and almost knocked me over when she jumped to the side...did I mention she hates frogs?
The Lord has really blessed us this week, with many people that we found and people to find, thanks to the referrals of people here. He even blessed us to see the Rodillas sisters again this week. Donita got a job the week after she was baptized in Angeles and has been over there, trying to find a church building to attend on Sunday, but has been making sure that she spiritual experiences by really studying her scriptures and singing hymns she knows on Sunday. Her younger sisters have been at the market with their parents for the most part since school's out now, so it's been hard to visit them, too, but we taught them on Saturday and they were able to go to church on Sunday! There are just so many miracles going on here. I REALLY love being a missionary!
Mahal ko kayo
Sister Jones

April 14, 2014 New Companion!

Hello Pamilya!
So, transfers was this past Thursday. We had the transfer announcement on Wednesday during our district meeting. Sister Montemayor has been transferred to the Angeles Zone with Sister Vaca as her new companion. She was really excited because they are opening an area over there. To be honest, I was really confused for a couple of minutes when they announced who my new companion would be: Sister Foukimoana. Nope, that is not a Filipino name, it's Tongan. Yup, my new companion is Tongan and she is awesome! (mom, I think her last companion was the sister whose blog we followed before I can here into the mission field. Sister Curtis, right?)
She unintentionally scared me when we first met. One of the Elders in my district is actually her cousin so, he texted the APs (assistant to the president), who then texted the STLs in her area, who then passed the text to the phone that she and her companion share to let her know who I was. (Apparently I'm very nice and have a soft heart. No, I have NOT been flirting.) I didn't know that he had texted her or that he was her cousin. (So, I didn't know anything about her besides the fact that the apartment was not going to be as quiet as it was the last 12 weeks)
Anyway, since she knew more about me than I did, when she saw me, she said, more or less, "Sister Jones! I'm going to love you because you're my new companion and this is going to be so great!" and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek (Tongan custom). I liked Sister Montemayor, she worked hard and helped me with a lot of stuff during the training program, but she is not one to express her feelings very openly and she doesn't give hugs. So, to have someone suddenly be flip-side of the coin towards me was rather startling and I almost freaked out, but at the same exact time, it was nice. My heart rate returned to normal after a couple of minutes and then we were able to join the rest of our zone and returned to Camiling. She's been in the field for 9 months so her Tagalog is expanded to the point where she can hold a conversation with adults.(wish I could send a picture, but the computer won't open the file for some reason). She loves being a missionary, is obedient to the rules, works hard, really likes to laugh, is scared of frogs, and we've already had some experiences that are very laughable.
We have two baptisms this weekend: Anne and Christine. They are so prepared! I'll tell you a little more about them next week, I only have a few minutes left. I just want to share some of my thoughts about general conference since I got to watch it last weekend.
I loved general conference this last weekend, especially President Uchtdorfs talk about gratitude. The one line that stood out to me was "Gratitude is the catalyst to all Christ-like attributes." That is so true! It's hard to describe in a few sentences, but how can we have faith that our Heavenly Father provides if we are not grateful for what He has already provided? How can we have charity if  we are not grateful to have the opportunity to show His love to others? The talk also made me realize that I need to be more grateful IN my circumstances and not just FOR my blessings. Elder Ballard's talk was something that all the missionaries just sat and said "Thank you for saying that for us." This work is not just the missionaries work, it's everyone's. I would advise revisiting his talk and doing what he asks. It will prepare those planning on serving and it will help you serve now.
Mahal ko kayo
Sister Jones